Family love: bonding, a vital tool for modern day parenting

Gbolahan Oluseun Akerele, The Hope President, Rotary Club of Canal Estate, Lagos

In the world of parenting, the words “love” and “protection” hold real power — especially when it comes to taking care of children as they grow. The power of love is life-changing. Love is what young people crave. Protection stirs up feelings of strength and positivity. It makes children feel safe and secure. But did you know, when you show your children how much you love them, it provides one of the most protective forces in their lives? It’s the main element within balanced parenting — a parenting style that has proven key in raising competent, successful children, teens, and young adults.

Bonding with your Child(ren) has become a necessary tool for successful parenting in this generation, especially for fathers.
When at this stage in your adult life, you need to come down totally to the age of the child, so that the child can flow, find it exciting and be worth looking forward to.
Honestly, both parent and child will end the sessions with maximum gains from both ends because it will shock you that your kid knows a lot of things unknown to you.

There are many ways through which bonding can be done, but activities such as taking a stroll, gisting, rough play, special lunch or dinner time, swimming, biking so far it’s the choice of the kids and not yours (parent).

The Protective Power of Love & Bonding

Children and adolescents want strong relationships with their parents. They want to know they are loved. We know teens rely on parents and caregivers both for emotional support and for clear guidance. Don’t be fooled if teens roll their eyes or want to walk a few feet ahead of you. They still count on you. They trust you. They need you. By showing them how much you love them you are building stronger and more resilient children. Not only that, but the protection that comes from your love will last into adulthood.

If we trust our children we protect them. If we distrust them, we undermine their confidence.
Consider Balanced Parenting
Over the past 30 years, plenty of research has been done showing the important relationship between parenting styles and teenage development. The results are consistent. Overwhelmingly, parents who chose balanced parenting were successful in raising capable kids with a positive sense of self-worth. What do we mean by balanced parenting? Balanced parents use the power of love and show their kids how much they care for and about them. They are warm and supportive.
They set high expectations but are there for their kids if or when they fail.
They set clear limits and monitor boundaries. They generally know what their children are up to when it comes to whereabouts, activities, and friends.
They are flexible to meet the needs of their children.
They believe communication between a parent and a child is a two-way street.
They understand that parents have experience but recognize that young people also possess wisdom about their world.

Gbolahan Oluseun Akerele

The Hope President

Rotary Club of Canal Estate writes from Lagos Nigeria

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